Just a Minute: Asking for Patience with Hidden Disabilities
Just a Minute: Making it Easy for People with Hidden Disabilities to Ask for Patience Just. A. Minute. That is what JAM Card stands for and that is what it gives you – just as much time and patience as you need in public or social situations. JAM Card allows people with a hidden disability … Continued
Health Equality: Rights, Reasonable Adjustments and Annual Health Checks
Health Equality: Rights, Reasonable Adjustments and Annual Health Checks The Equality Act 2010 says no one should be discriminated against because of why they are. It set out what are called ‘Protected Characteristics’. It made it illegal for people to be treated unfairly because of these traits in education, employment, housing or public services. The … Continued
Screening Saves Lives
NHS Health Checks and Long Term Condition Reviews
NHS Health Checks and Long Term Condition Reviews What is an NHS Health Check? It is a regular check-up for people aged between 40 and 74 who aren’t already receiving treatment for a long term condition. The aim is to spot any early signs that could increase your risk of stroke, kidney disease, type … Continued
Diabetes Diabetes is a life-long condition that causes your blood sugar level to become too high. The health complications from having diabetes can be significant such as kidney failure, heart attacks or strokes. You are twice as likely to need to be admitted to hospital, and on average 1 in 6 hospital beds are … Continued
Long Term Conditions
It’s estimated that GPs spend half their appointment helping people with long term conditions and that 7 in 10 hospital beds are used to look after people in the same group.