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Your Support Could Save a Life

Every two days, one young woman in the UK dies by suicide.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) has teamed up with Lioness and CALM Ambassador Fran Kirby to show that your support can save a life.

The key message of the campaign – which coincides with the start of the FIFA Women’s World Cup – is this: When a player is injured on the pitch, help is immediate. But when young women are suicidal, their signals for help go unseen.

Watch the campaign video below.

We need to tackle the stigma that prevents young women from being seen when they’re struggling, and make sure they feel supported.

Fran Kirby, Lioness & CALM Ambassador

Get Support

  • Call CALM’s helpline on 0800 58 58 58 or use their webchat. Open 5 pm to midnight, 365 days a year.
  • You can get urgent Mental Health help via the NHS website.
  • Call the Newcastle Crisis team 0191 814 8899 or freephone 0800 652 2863.

Removing the Stigma

We need to remove the stigma of asking for help and talking about the problems that disproportionately affect young women, like self-esteem, anxiety, body issues and relationships.

New research has shown some of the reasons young women hold back from asking for help.

  • 22% feared they would be seen just as seeking attention
  • 33% feared they would be seen as being dramatic or overly emotional
  • 31% thought they wouldn’t be taken seriously

And the research shows these fears t be justified. Of the women who did seek help:

  • 27% were told it could be down to hormones
  • 20% were asked if they were on their period
  • 20% were told they being dramatic
  • 33% were asked if they were ‘over thinking’ things

More women than ever before are dying by suicide. Seventy-nine percent of suicides in women under 25 had previously be assessed as ‘Low Risk’.

Getting Help and Helping Others

The campaign website has valuable resources for if you are worried about someone else, if you need help yourself, or how to get support if you have lost someone to suicide.

There are also guides to help if you are struggling with things like bullying, anger, abuse or eating disorders,

Our Resources and Support

We’ve collected national, regional and local support options to help you or someone you care about with their mental health.

Explore the selection below, or visit our Resources page and pick the Mental Health category.

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