Easy Read Guides for People with Learning Disabilities
An easy-read guide is a way of making written information easier to understand.
This collection of guides is about your health and things you might need to know. They use short sentences and pictures to explain different things.
There is lots more health information on our Resources page.
Click or tap on a guide to find out more.
Easy Read: Top Tip for Mental Wellbeing
Easy Read: Top Tips to Improve your Mental Wellbeing This easy-read guide is about improving your mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing is: How you feel inside Your emotions How you cope when bad things happen The Mental Wellbeing guide was made by the NHS. It can be downloaded or printed Post Views: 10
Easy Read: Quit Smoking
This is an easy-read guide about Quitting Smoking. It was made by the NHS and can be downloaded or printed.
Easy Read: Attendance Allowance
This is an easy-read guide about Attendance Allowance. It was made by the UK Government and can be downloaded or printed.
Easy Read: Patient Choice
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS prescriptions.
Easy Read: NHS Healthy Start
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS prescriptions.
Easy Read: Universal Credit and Free Prescriptions
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS prescriptions.
Easy Read: Free NHS Dental Care
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS dental treatment.
Easy Read: Free Prescriptions
This easy-read guide shows you who can get free NHS prescriptions.
Easy Read: How to check your balls (testicles)
This easy-read guide shows you how to check your balls (testicles), and learn about testicular cancer.
Easy Read: Bowel Cancer Screening
This easy-read guide shows you how to use an NHS bowel cancer screening kit.
Easy Read: Cosmetic Procedures
This easy-read guide has information to help you if you want a cosmetic procedure.
Easy Read: A Doctor is worried about a child’s safety
This easy-read guide goes through what happens if your Doctor is worried about your child’s safety.
Easy Read: Unhappy with a Doctor?
An easy-red guide from the General Medical Council about what to do if you are unhappy with a Doctor.
Easy Read: Going to the Doctor
An easy-read guide from the General Medical Council about going to the Doctor.
Easy Read: Help to Quit Smoking
An easy-read guide from the NHS to help you stop smoking.