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Jon Hamilton

Counsellor/Senior Mental Health Social Prescriber


I’m Jon Hamilton, and since May 2021, I’ve been working in North Gosforth PCN, offering Counselling and Mental Health Social Prescribing to patients. I have a Degree in Counselling, as well as a Diploma in Information, Advice and Guidance. I am also a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

team-member-photo Jon Hamilton

What I Do

My role is to offer counselling to people on a short term basis. The patients I see, usually aged between 31 and 64, need support for their mental health and help to address practical needs.

Social Prescribing is about looking for non-medical interventions that help people and linking them to information, organisations, events or activities that will be beneficial.

How I Support Patients

With every patient, the first step is for me to understand their specific issues or problems fully. By discussing the roots and impact of their condition with people, we can start to look for potential solutions.

It will be different for every person, and the plans we create for each person are customised and unique. By listening, responding and having a broad range of contacts and organisations to refer people to, we can offer a service that fits everyone’s needs.

I offer face-to-face, telephone and video sessions for counselling, and mainly telephone support for social prescribing.

Get in touch

To be referred for Mental Health Social Prescribing, you can speak to any staff member in your GP practice. Reception and Admin staff can refer you, as well as clinical staff.

Counselling referrals need to come via your GP, so please make an appointment to speak to a Doctor in the first instance.