NHS Health and Wellbeing Services in North Gosforth
Health and Wellbeing Services for people in North Gosforth
Health and Wellbeing Services for people in North Gosforth
Health and Wellbeing Services for people in North Gosforth
Looking for some extra motivation for your New Year’s Resolution? With the first week of 2024 now behind us, many of us who made New Year’s Resolutions will be assessing how well we’ve done. A recent study shows that 16% of us have made a resolution with getting fit, losing weight and improving our diets … Continued
Small changes can make a big difference to a healthy heart October has been National Cholesterol Month. It’s all about raising awareness and importance of maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. Small changes can make a big difference to your cholesterol levels and heart health through your habit, diet and exercise. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a … Continued
Health and Wellbeing Services for people in North Gosforth
What is Dry January about? It is a month-long challenge to go without alcohol for the 31 days of January. The charity Alcohol Change UK have been running Dry January since 2012. The aim is not to get people to give up drinking altogether but to see the benefits you can get from a break … Continued
Struggling with your New Year’s Resolutions? ‘New Year, New You’ is a common refrain we often hear at the end of the festive season and into January. It chimes with the idea of New Year’s resolutions – often to get fit, lose weight or otherwise reverse the excesses of Christmas – as well as … Continued